I was born 1981 in Linz, Austria and after that I lived 4 years in Florida, USA.
Then my parents moved back to Austria.
With 15 I started to become a chef.
2001 I decided to go to study. Before I had to make some courses and 2011 I finished my study as Software Engineer.
I was always interested in radioactivity and the consequences for humanity.
I asked myself questions like:
Is it worth the risk?
Is this technology over skin to cover costs?
Who pays for the nuclear waste and its storage in the future?
When I was five years old the accident happened at Chernobyl. I was not allowed out to play in the sandbox. My parents did not know how they should behave. What should you eat? Is it safe? …
In March 2011, when I was working on my diploma thesis the whole world could watch live the misfortune.
I decided to find out more about radioactivity and nuclear power.
2012, I went for the first time to Chernobyl and I was attracted to the zone of exclusion. I wanted to know more and more.
Meanwhile I was six times there. I got to know many people. People who have witnessed the accident and told me her story.
These experiences I want to pass my project „Roadside Picnic“.